Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Try a cliché!

What is a cliché? Why does it exist? Who decides what constitutes a cliché? I bet that the majority of you could not answer these questions. I surely fell short until I did some research! For those of you who can provide examples of clichés and not exactly an explanation of what it is: a cliché is a novel idea or phrase that has been overused and thus its original effect has been lost. So that means that society decides what constitutes a cliché by overusing it and thus rendering it less meaningful.

We all use clichés every single day, after all that’s how they were created. That makes me think that clichés must hold much value to us. A phrase must have been overused for a reason? That reason may just be that that simple, yet striking little phrase must have rang true to so many ears and must have been so applicable to people’s everyday lives! For some, the clichés they use constantly are embedded into their personality.
Overused or not, I feel that some clichés have still not lost their value and can often be used as good life advise. For example, the sayings “everything happens for a reason” and “everything always works out as it should” are constant motivators for me when I am going through difficult times. I fully believe that these so-called clichés are true and meaningful. Which cliché do you hold dear?
Taken from

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