Thursday, 30 August 2012

Conventional is a good fallback position isn’t it?

I am a person who revels in others’ uniqueness and their willingness to step out of societal indoctrination and proudly say, “This is who I am and if you don’t like it, I don’t give a f#*@!” This is the type of person I try and be every day. I love anything that is unconventional. I hate it when people care so much about what others think of them. Nothing can suffocate a person’s inner being more than this. If you want to dance when there is no music, then do it. If you want to be as outrageous as people like Marilyn Manson or Lady Gaga, then why not?

Society dictates its norms and sets the conventional standards and sadly most people comply, as it is easier to be a sheep than to be a leader. Do not let others dictate who you are because the soul is something beautiful and free. Each and every person’s soul wants to do and be whatever will make it happy. After all, we all come to this planet to find joy. Letting other people rent a space in your head can seriously damage your chances at happiness.

Last year I made the decision to not care what people think of me and the things I do and I have never been happier. It is your life and no one else has a right to tell you how to live it. No one matters but you! Be proud to be who you are, even if it is against the norm. All the better! So conventional is a good fallback position is it? I say HELL NO!

Taken from!/photo.php?

You cannot chase two rabbits at the same time

There is always that one or two week period in each term where we are all stockpiled with work and we run around like headless chickens trying to meet our numerous deadlines. Such is life for  university students. Lord knows how many nights I stay up trying to finish my work. It can all get a bit much, especially if you are taking on more than one task at a time.

The old Native American saying, “You cannot chase two rabbits at the same time” is true if you are incapable of multi-tasking, which is not possible if you are a fourth year PR student. We have to multi-task to keep up with our various subjects and often we have more than one big deadline to meet on the same day. No doubt this is what the PR world is all about.

I believe multi-tasking is a good skill to learn as it will be helpful in many scenarios, both in the workplace and at home. Unfortunately, men may have to work harder to master this skill.... All jokes aside, the problem with multi-tasking is the danger of losing focus, which undoubtedly affects end results. As impossible as it is to catch two rabbits at the same time, it is just as impossible to achieve the best possible outcomes if you take on two many tasks at the same time. So remember to prioritise and focus on one task at a time. If you do this, you will be able to achieve the best possible outcomes in all scenarios. But by all means, if you feel you are a capable multi-tasker... go right ahead!
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Thursday, 16 August 2012

“Nothing is more dangerous than an idea, when you only have one idea”(Alain)

“Nothing is more dangerous than an idea, when you only have one idea”(Alain)

I do not believe this statement to be entirely true.  Yeah sure, one idea may not always be enough but I say if you even have just one idea then you are on your way. Other ideas spring from an initial idea ,so in saying this, does Alain mean that all initial ideas are dangerous? I think not. Somehow the idea I had to go on a holiday wasn’t so dangerous to me or those around me.

I do believe however that those that fail to plan, plan to fail and I believe Alain was trying to get to this point. If you have an idea, it is nothing until the planning process is complete because only then can successful implementation take place. Planning helps eliminate risks and possible dangers, so perhaps Alain should rather have quoted, “ Nothing is more dangerous than an idea that has not been thought through before implementing it.”

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Sunday, 12 August 2012

Have you figured out the second head fake?

Fellow SMED learners, by now you must have figured out the second head fake or you are just too literally minded and unwilling to learn. Our Media Studies lecturer, Marian Pike, has cleverly enforced blog topics of a “head fake” nature. What is this “head fake” you ask? Well if you want to know then let me explain...

It all has to do with a computer science professor named Randy Pausch, who was a brilliant  lecturer at Carnegie Mellon. He was diagnosed with cancer and before he died he was asked to do a last lecture. Randy’s last lecture topic was “Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams”. Prof. Pausch spoke about seizing every moment, overcoming obstacles and achieving one’s dreams. At the end of the lecture he asked, “Did you figure out the head fake?” He followed by saying, “It’s not about how to achieve your dreams. It’s about how to lead your life. If you lead your life the right way, the karma will take care of itself, the dreams will come to you. Did you figure out the second head fake?”

When people showed confusion at this question, he explained what he meant by “head fake”...“Most of what we learn, we learn indirectly (by head fake)” and “The best way to head fake someone in education, is to have them learn something while they think they are learning something else”. Basically a “head fake” is something with an indirect message or lesson to be learnt. It involves being taught something without knowing what you are being taught.

I realized Marian’s “head fake” nature of the blog topics she gave us after researching some weird topics, such as “How to step from a 100 foot pole”. Taken literally, it makes no sense but research showed that it was in fact an ancient Zen teaching called a Koan. Indirectly I had been taught something! Bingo Marian, you definitely know how to make us think and learn indirectly!

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

I am...

One of the most difficult tasks for any person is answering the question, “Who am I?” I don’t believe any one will have a proper definitive answer to this question since we all grow and learn about ourselves as we change and shape into the people we want to be. At different points in your life the answer to this question will vary. So far this is what I know about who I am...

I am outspoken, free-spirited and open-minded. I am a woman who is not afraid to go head to head with a man. I am honest and hate liars. I am an artist. I am on a spiritual journey. I am not religious. I am very book smart but still have a lot to learn about the real world. I am determined to be happy and successful throughout life. I am an animal lover and a poacher hater. I am courageous and will take on anyone who attempts to harm my loved ones or myself. I am positive (most of the time). I am funny and love making people laugh. I am a daughter, a god mother, an aunt, a girlfriend and a sister. I am the best and most loyal friend anyone could have. I am good at giving advice. I am patient and chilled. I am a good cook. I am me and all I want to be for now, but I hope I grow and become even more!
Me at Hole in the Wall

"In the future everbody will be famous for fifteen minutes" - Andy Worholl

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Andy Worhol said, “In the future everybody will be world famous for fifteen minutes.”

I don’t know why Andy Worhol thought this to be true as there are just way too many people on this planet for everyone to have fifteen minutes of fame worldwide. Not to mention, most people just aren’t interesting enough to be famous. Perhaps we all get our fifteen minutes of fame in the social media world, but somehow I don’t think people commenting on a picture of you for fifteen minutes can be called fame! This got me thinking, if I had my fifteen minutes of fame, what would I want to be famous for?
After much thought, I believe that I would like to be known for doing something amazing, like designing a way to heal the effects of Global Warming or finding a cure for Alzheimer’s Disease . I could also be known for being the most accredited and professional person in the PR industry, but that is boring. So if I could choose anything to be famous for it would be for being the best person alive! Being a good person in all walks of life is a difficult feet which some of us strive for everyday. To me, to be considered as the best person on this planet would be the ultimate reward!