I have a problem with the way years of societal conditioning
has made people lose touch with what is really important in life. What is
important is to enjoy every second of this fleeting life we have here on earth,
not to work and stress our whole lives to achieve materialistic objects such as
a big houses and nice cars. Those nice things that you spend the majority of
your life trying to achieve through hard work and stress will eventually become
I see it every day; people who are now old, have all they
have worked for but are sick of it and want less to stress about. So they sell
these nice objects and opt for retirement somewhere quiet and beautiful with
the bare minimum, if they can. Or on the other side of the coin, old age hits
and they are thrown into an old age home, thereby losing all they have worked their
whole lives for anyway. Sad and not nice to think about, is it? Society is
warped. They have murdered true joy and we find ourselves in a generation that
is so completely lost it is ridiculous.
We are all told working hard for a career was important so
that you can earn loads of money and be happy.
Yes, sure, I know we all have to earn money to survive as nothing is
free but no wad of cash will buy you true, lasting joy. I refuse to waste my
life in a job I hate so that I can buy nice things. I will always make sure
that whatever I do in life makes me happy. I refuse to have regrets. As I said, I am young and have no
responsibilities, so it is easy for me to say this but for as long as I don’t
have children to look after, I will wander through life. When we wander, we
slow down and are able to find joy in the little things in life that we often
overlook when we constantly look to money to make us happy. Something as simple
as a butterfly should put a smile on your face.
My parents always give me grief about my laid back attitude
but I am happy with the way I live. I wish they could understand that not all
who wander are lost and that I will always have a successful life as long as I
have joy.
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I love this, it gives me inspiration. Taken from http://www.scoop.it/t/social-learning-group-coaching |
hi dani, i really like this! fantastic. yes, go ahead with your believes, at the end it will be all worth it. i did exactly that before i had my baby. embracing your way of life is what counts and allow others to express theirs, you will see that it will make life lighter! and much fun too as there'll be less worries ;-)