Friday, 23 March 2012

We are what we do?

We are what we do... Human beings are way to multifaceted for this to be true. I mean, just because you read the bible, it doesn’t mean that you’re a Christian or just because you wear tie-dye, doesn’t make you a hippy. That priest over there, looks like a man of God yet he could very well be a paedophile at the same time and that stripper could actually be a desperate, single mother trying to put food on the table for her three kids.

Human curiosity and circumstances lead us to do many things that we shouldn’t do. These mistakes and experiences teach us in life and are a completely normal part of our growth. The problem lies in other’s judgement! People are so judgemental (yet another fatal human flaw), that they will take any one action of yours and derive some sort of label based on that. “Oh, I saw Sally wearing a short skirt, she must be easy.” So be careful, for as much as we are told not to judge a book by its cover,  the more we seem to do this. Human nature has really vicious tendencies.
What I am trying to get at is that we should not label people so easily, because their actions do not dictate who they are. That person you are labelling could be doing what they are doing out of peer pressure, or as a result of some unfavourable circumstance. Or they could merely be testing the waters out of sheer human curiosity.

Taken from
On the other side of the coin however, those that repeat the same actions again and again are surely looking for a label, because that is who they believe themselves to be or who they want to be. So yes, if you continuously sleep around, you will be labelled a slut and if you continuously over-compliment others you will be labelled an ass-kisser. At the end of the day, it is all about reputation and what kind of reputation you want. It is your choice. If you don’t care what others think then good for you, but its true what famous Greek philosopher and critic Aristotle says, “We are what we REPEATEDLY do!”

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